Filing for Bankruptcy: Hire a Lawyer? Do It Yourself?

Filing for Bankruptcy: Should You Hire a Lawyer? Do It Yourself?

I. Introduction

Facing the possibility of filing personal bankruptcy can be an overwhelming experience. Bankruptcy is a procedure that involves either eliminating debts or reorganizing payment plans for individuals or businesses who cannot repay their creditors. It can be a solution for those dealing with financial challenges, but it’s crucial to carefully consider your options. One important decision is whether to hire a lawyer or file for bankruptcy on your own. In this article, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each choice to help you make the decision based on your circumstances.

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Table of Contents

II. Grasping the Concept of Bankruptcy

Before making any decisions about how to proceed, it is vital to have an understanding of the principles outlined in the federal bankruptcy code. Bankruptcy is a procedure that involves debtors (individuals who owe money) and creditors (those whom they owe money). Depending on the type of bankruptcy filed, debtors may be granted a discharge or an opportunity to restructure their payments in order to eventually pay off their debts or have them completely discharged.

The two common types of bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases, assets are liquidated in order to repay debts, whereas in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, debtors work out repayment plans with their creditors. Typically speaking, seeking advice from an attorney regarding which type of bankruptcy suits your specific circumstances would be advisable.

Bankruptcy Requirements Overview

Before filing for bankruptcy, certain requirements must be met. Generally, these include;

1. Residing in the United States (Having lived there for at least 180 days before filing).

2. Demonstrating hardship by using bankruptcy documents showing that your debts outweigh your assets and income.

3. Successfully complete credit counseling by completing an approved credit counseling course.

4. Submitting a petition to the court.

Furthermore, it is essential to provide documentation of all assets and debts along with any information related to your case.

Types of Bankruptcy

The two most filed bankruptcy are are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.

In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a debtor’s assets are sold off to repay creditors. This is commonly known as “liquidation” or “straight bankruptcy.”

On the other hand, Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves entering into a repayment plan with creditors, allowing debt repayment over a period of typically 3 to 5 years. This is often called “debt reorganization” or “debt adjustment.”

Apart from these two types, specialized bankruptcy cases exist, such as Chapter 11 (, for businesses). Chapter 12 (specifically designed for family farmers and fishermen).

It’s important to keep in mind that different types of bankruptcy have criteria and requirements. Therefore, it is crucial for you to fully comprehend your options before making a decision on which  type of bankruptcy is best for your situation. This may include consulting with a lawyer to get sound advice on which type of bankruptcy to file for. 

It is also important to note that there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with filing for bankruptcy, and the impact it will have on an individual’s credit score and financial future should also be taken into account before filing

Filing for Bankruptcy: Hire a Lawyer? Do It Yourself?

III. Pros and Cons of Self-Filing Bankruptcy

If you opt to file for bankruptcy without the assistance of an attorney, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider.

1. Advantages of DIY Bankruptcy

The benefit of handling your own bankruptcy filing is the potential cost savings. Attorneys can be expensive. Taking care of the paperwork yourself could result in significant financial savings. Additionally, if your financial situation is relatively straightforward, you may not require assistance with matters, leading to a faster and more efficient process of paying creditors overall.

2. Disadvantages of DIY Bankruptcy

One drawback associated with self-filing for bankruptcy is that it can be a time-consuming endeavor. Both you and a bankruptcy lawyer would need an understanding of the requirements pertaining to each type of bankruptcy to successfully complete all the paperwork involved. Making mistakes during this process could result in case dismissal or unnecessary delays. Furthermore, courts usually mandate attendance at one hearing, where an attorney’s guidance can prove invaluable in preparing you for the questioning. Ultimately, if your financial situation is complex or you are unfamiliar with bankruptcy laws, it may be best to consult a lawyer and investigate all of your options before proceeding. 

Another disadvantage associated with self-filing for bankruptcy is that not everyone will qualify for it. Certain debtors may find themselves ineligible due to high-income levels or having too many assets. In such cases, alternative solutions will need to be explored. 

Additionally, self-filing for bankruptcy can be a lengthy and time consuming process that requires careful attention to detail. It is important to research the appropriate laws and stay up-to-date with any changes or updates that could affect your filing. You will also need to understand the different types of

Filing for Bankruptcy: Hire a Lawyer? Do It Yourself?

IV.Factors to Consider Before Filing Bankruptcy on Your Own

Before you decide to file for bankruptcy on your own, there are a few factors that you should take into consideration.

1. Dealing with Creditor Harassment

If you are experiencing harassment or threats from creditors, it’s essential to have an attorney by your side. They can safeguard your rights. Ensure that the entire process is handled correctly. Moreover, an attorney might be able to negotiate with creditors, potentially reducing or eliminating your debt.

2. Complexity of Your Financial Situation

If your financial circumstances are intricate, attempting to file for bankruptcy without assistance might pose challenges. An attorney can guide you through the filing process. Ensure that all necessary paperwork is completed accurately. Additionally, with a lawyer, could potentially negotiate with creditors to minimize or eliminate your debt.

3. Considerations Regarding Financial Aspects

It’s crucial to keep in mind that filing for bankruptcy is a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. An attorney can thoroughly review your situation. Provide valuable advice on the best course of action for you. They can also help address any tax liabilities associated with filing fees along with bankruptcy.

4. Time and Effort Required

Filing for bankruptcy without the support of an attorney can be a monotonous undertaking.

You need to make sure you adhere to all the requirements of each type of bankruptcy and have an understanding of the legal complexities involved in the process. Additionally, if your case before a bankruptcy judge or trustee is not straightforward, you may be required to attend hearings or other court proceedings which can take up a lot of time.

Filing for Bankruptcy: Hire a Lawyer? Do It Yourself?

V. Exploring Alternatives to Self-Filing for Bankruptcy

Before making the decision to file for bankruptcy without an attorney, it’s crucial to consider all your options. Some alternatives worth exploring are;

1. Debt Management Plan (DMP)

A debt management plan (DMP) involves creating a payment plan with your creditors in order to gradually pay off your debts over time. You can do this on your own or seek assistance from a credit counseling agency.

2. Debt Settlement

Debt settlement entails negotiating with your creditors in order to reduce or eliminate some of your debt. Often, this financial management process is facilitated by a third-party negotiator who acts as an intermediary between you and your creditors.

3. Credit Counseling

Credit counseling involves working with a credit counselor who can help you gain an understanding of your situation and devise a plan for repaying your debts. This option can potentially help you avoid having to file for bankruptcy

Filing for Bankruptcy: Hire a Lawyer? Do It Yourself?

VI. Steps for Self-Filing Bankruptcy

If you opt to file for bankruptcy without an attorney, there are steps that must be followed;

Here are the revised steps for your reference;

1. Research Thoroughly

Start by conducting research to understand your options. This involves familiarizing yourself with the requirements, such as creditor payments and eligibility criteria associated with types of bankruptcy.

2. Prepare Required Documents

Gather all the documents that need to be submitted along with your bankruptcy petition or filings. These may include a statement of affairs, a list of creditors, and any other information mandated by the court.

3. File Your Paperwork

Once you have prepared all the required documents proceed to file them with the court. Be sure to follow all instructions provided and double-check that all information is accurate.

4. Attend Court Hearing

In cases, attending at least one court hearing is necessary to finalize your bankruptcy case. It’s important to come prepared for this hearing and have all documents on hand.

5. Receive Discharge Order

After your bankruptcy case is approved by the court, you will receive a discharge order indicating that your debts have been eliminated and you are no longer responsible, for them.

6. Follow up

In the end, it is crucial to reach out to your creditors after receiving the discharge order to confirm that they have received the documents and any payments have been processed promptly.

Filing for Bankruptcy: Hire a Lawyer? Do It Yourself?

VII. Important. Potential Challenges

When considering filing for bankruptcy without representation, it is essential to be mindful of challenges that may arise;

1. Understanding Requirements

It is vital to grasp all the requirements associated with each type of bankruptcy to complete the paperwork successfully. This includes being aware of all the forms and required documents and ensuring that all information provided is accurate.

2. Accurate Completion of Paperwork

Another challenge lies in ensuring that all paperwork is accurately filled out and submitted in a timely manner. Making mistakes can lead to case dismissal or delays, which can incur costs.

Impact on Credit Score and Financial Future

Lastly, it’s important to take into account the impact on your credit score and financial future. While bankruptcy offers debt relief, it can also have long-term consequences that you should consider before proceeding with self-filing for bankruptcy.


VIII. Conclusion

Deciding to file for bankruptcy without representation can feel overwhelming. It is feasible as long as you have a thorough understanding of the requirements and are ready to take the necessary actions. It’s crucial to evaluate all options and consider the potential hurdles before determining whether self-filing for personal bankruptcy is the right choice for you. Seeking advice from an expert or credit counselor could also be advantageous to ensure that you make a decision that suits your specific circumstances. Remember, filing for bankruptcy without a lawyer should not be approached lightly and comprehending all the consequences beforehand is essential.


Filing for Bankruptcy: Hire a Lawyer? Do It Yourself?

IX. Available Resources

If you are contemplating filing for bankruptcy without an attorney, various resources are accessible to offer assistance;

Please note that while this list isn’t exhaustive, it should provide guidance as you navigate through your options. Remember that filing for bankruptcy carries implications, so thorough research is essential before making any decisions.

If you choose to file bankruptcy and proceed with filing for bankruptcy without the assistance of an attorney, here are some suggestions to consider;

1. Develop a timeline that outlines all the deadlines and make sure to adhere to them.

2. Conduct research on the types of bankruptcies available and fully comprehend the specific requirements associated with each type.

3. Collect all the documents required for your bankruptcy filing and ensure their accuracy.

4. Seek guidance from a credit counselor who can advise on managing your debts.

5. If there are assistance programs in your state, contact them for support and information.

6. Before submitting any paperwork to the court, review it to ensure accuracy and completeness.

7. If needed, don’t hesitate to seek assistance from an attorney or another financial professional who can provide expert guidance throughout the process.

By familiarizing yourself with these requirements and following these suggestions, you can enhance your chances of a bankruptcy filing. Best of luck!

Picture of Theron Morrison

Theron Morrison

Utah’s top bankruptcy and consumer protection attorney.